Whitewright – December, 2011
December 18, 2011 I got a late start on the breakfast ride. Had to put another part in Debbie’s car… One would think that the Germans would figure out how to build parts to...
December 18, 2011 I got a late start on the breakfast ride. Had to put another part in Debbie’s car… One would think that the Germans would figure out how to build parts to...
December 3, 2011 The weather is lousy for riding motorcycles right now, so we might as well find some place to go stare at motorcycles. The IMS is in Dallas this weekend. The show...
November 12, 2011 Deb was wrestling a bit with three border collies Saturday while Laura was making a trip down to Houston. I helped wear them out early that morning with a long walk, so...
October 30, 2011 Jim can find the most bizarre way to get somewhere, and that’s what makes his rides interesting. Today was a jaunt out through the back roads to Windom to have an...
October 17, 2011 The IHE (Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise) is holding their semi-annual face-to-face meeting in Kansas City. This group is comprised of medical equipment device manufacturers’ design engineers that work together with the...
October 3, 2011 It was a nice day, I had time to take off work, so, a short ride sounded good to me. I slept in on Monday, and lazied my way out to...
September 9, 2011 Friday morning. I should have been getting ready for work, but I was putting my riding gear on. There were plenty of other responsibilities that I could have given my time...
July 3, 2011 David started it all. He wanted to ride. But, it was hot… Darn hot… Oh, well. I threw together a quick route to ride the always pleasing FM 455 up through...
July 2, 2011 It has come time to give up Elke, my K75S that brought me back into another phase of motorcycling 4 years ago after a long layoff. She has been a great...
I was so ready to ride. Work has been very hectic for the last several months, and today was no different. Enterprise-wide networked medical equipment projects has demanded way too much of my attention,...