Canada-PNW Day 5, Golden to Omak, WA
July 9, 2010
Sleeping well… What’s,,, that,,, music? Oh, my alarm… Dang, morning came soon. Oh, yeah… I got in bed late… No problem, it’s a great route ahead today. Good incentive to get out of bed.
Packed up and rode out of Golden west on Hwy 1, the Trans-Canada Highway. The locals here seem to know where the Mounties patrol. They pick up speed and drop in places.
Rode through Glacier National Park of Canada. Lots of ice up there, eh? Beautiful views and a very good road. Lots of tunnels that let the snow go right over the road.
Revelstoke looks like a good spot for a rest and breakfast. Nice-looking downtown. I found a coffee shop, and asked about breakfast. The friendly lass served me coffee, but pointed me across the street to get a breakfast panini. I did so, and enjoyed it sitting in the very comfortable morning air, enjoying the beautiful British Colombia scenery all around me.
Headed out of town, and south on the lightly-traveled Hwy 23 towards the Galena/Shelter Bay ferry. Remember the locals? I followed along… As I neared the ferry landing, a long line of cars started shooting north. Good sign, since I was only 2 KM away from the lading. The ferry would be there. Long line… hopefully I’ll get on. I get waved on, and one car/trailer behind me is the last. Nice trip across the Colombia River.
Other side, once we get past the trucks that got off of the ferry first, the pace quickens. Remember the locals? I’m just taking their queues. Hwy 23 south of the ferry is full of high-speed sweepers on good pavement. Feels good. The water below keeps coming back as the trees thin a bit on the shore.
- Katrina is very much at home on these roads.
- 1 to 1 KM to Miles works great for curve speeds on a bike!
I picked up Hwy 6 at Nakusp. More sweepers, and then the turns tighten. I came across one section of road that was so fun, i did it twice. Video here…
Kept rolling south to the border. More questions… Many more than the Canadians, eh? Searched my top case. I must look pretty shady with my unshaven face. On through the border crossing, and back in the US of A. Hwy 21 is nice just south of the border in Washington.
Made it into Omak, WA. Not much of a reason to stop other than a bed and good air conditioning. That’s a good thing, since it’s 103 degrees.
This town is, how do you say… well, it’s the opposite end of the spectrum of where I have just been up north…
Tomorrow, Seattle to pick up Debbie. Woo hoo!
Photos still accumulating here –